Feb 2, 2010

I was given this ring as a 'promise ring' ...LOL. Promise 4 what? A life time of comfort, well not for me. We were together for five years and it didn't last, so why would it now? Last Sunday he broke his wrist while snowboarding and I was the first person he called. Well, I was not available for his call till my Mom had told me he had been trying to reach me, so I returned his call. ...No answer. By then I heard he was in surgery. !
~~~Last October I had more than an epic experience with him. Not to bore you with the details... He ended up throwing my ring because I was done with being attached with someone who was not here for me what so ever (I spent the night watching him pole dance with his ex after he had invited me there). Well, he didn't throw it too far. I was cleaning my car today and found it bound between the seats!

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